Sunday, April 16, 2006


to go to the casino or not go to the casino

Ok the dilemma my little brother phones me up wanting to go to the casino today. Not feeling to lucky so i said no.... So i poured myself a glass of wine and sat down at the Hard Rock Casino online to see if i was feeling lucky, Keno, nothing well its kinda stupid really for some reason they only let you play upto $1 on keno where as all other playtech casinos is $5, anyhow. Moved onto slots Dr Love More. 0.10c a spin total $20 a go, hit a nice few screens added upto about $500, then hit the bonus! I love it now up $1,236.50!
I will keep you posted!

Ok Casino was fun i took £600 with me which is like $1000. I was down £400 in about an hour and decided 3 card poker was not lucky. 12.15am we decided to eat as i had a feeling that was my problem. Ate a fantastic Grilled Salmon for Americanthat'sts Broiled. The Victoria Casino iLondonon is a great casino and the food is pretty damn hot to.

Any how back to the games, after dinner i was being called to the progressivCaribbeanan stud, which i love however know its a really impossible game to win, but someone has to win so i can but only wish it was me. Last night the jackpot was on £296.004.20 which right now would be fantastic, pay for my house quite nicely to :) Any how cut a long story short, i clawed back a load of money and left £120 down.

Oh but it turns around here :)
so came home logged onto Hard Rock Casino again, only this time was playingfavoriterite slots and hit one away from the jackpot which paid $2600.

I plaid through to 6am!!! (not good but the holiday weekend so well worth it) and came away with $3500 in total. So for a night gambling it was actually very successful.

One thing i would say is this, for some reason or another i always loose in land based casinos its the wierdest thindon'tdont like it. I then go upstairs or home and seem to win onlinedon'tdont know if its the fact i am lucky when i play alone but when i play with other people they sap my luck and soak it up, for instance my little brother came with me to casino last night i went down £400 on the same 3 card poker table as he went up £600, later on he went back to the 3 card poker table i went to the progressive Caribbeanribean stud, i started winning (playing alone) he started loosing! Mad observation i know but it seems to be true i come home and usually win!
Will speak soon g.

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